

Eczema services offered in Lansdale, PA

Eczema causes itching, skin irritation, rashes, and cracking that leaves your skin prone to infections. In Lansdale, Pennsylvania, Allan Mineroff, MD, Kristen Foering, MD, MTR, and Erin Santa, MD, FAAD, treat eczema in patients of all ages using an individualized approach for every case. Schedule your eczema treatment consultation over the phone or online at Allan Mineroff, MD, PC today.

Eczema Q & A

What is eczema?

Eczema is a common skin condition that often shows up first during infancy. It may affect you for the rest of your life or mostly during childhood. Either way, eczema involves a gene variation that compromises your skin’s natural moisture barrier. Without this barrier, your skin struggles to stay hydrated and is more vulnerable to harmful irritants and bacteria.

Since the condition is genetic, you’re much more likely to have eczema if family members do. While you can’t alter your genes to get rid of the condition, there are plenty of treatments for it. You can also help control eczema by moisturizing your skin twice daily, identifying and avoiding triggers, and using only mild cleansers that are fragrance-free and skin-friendly.

What are the most common symptoms of eczema?

When you have eczema, you may not experience the symptoms all the time. Instead, you may experience recurrent flares. Some flare-ups happen sporadically, while others occur in response to specific triggers in your environment. The symptoms also vary widely from person to person and are based on age. 

Common symptoms of eczema include:

  • Dry skin
  • Severe itching, especially at night
  • Red or brownish patches of skin
  • Small bumps that might ooze fluid
  • Scaly or cracked skin
  • Raw skin

The areas where you get rashes can vary. Infants tend to get eczema flare-ups on their scalp and cheeks, for example, while the knees and elbows are more common areas for adult eczema. 

How can I manage my eczema?

You can manage current eczema flare-ups and prevent future symptoms with help from the dermatology experts at Allan Mineroff, MD, PC. The team helps you identify triggers that cause flare-ups or make them worse, such as sweat, detergents, stress, and pollen. Once you identify triggers, you can work on limiting your exposure to them in the future. 

While eczema does not have a cure, several medications and remedies can help control symptoms. The team at Allan Mineroff, MD, PC, might prescribe topical medications like corticosteroid creams or oral medications like systemic corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, or antihistamines. In more severe cases, newer injectable medications can result in dramatic improvement. 

Learn more about eczema and how you can control your symptoms by scheduling an appointment over the phone or online at Allan Mineroff, MD, PC today.